

Glaux Press takes its name from the Ancient Greek γλαύξ . The original, literal sense translates as glaring eyes; and, for the Greeks of antiquity, this word designated an avian symbol of the goddess Athene. Known today as the little owl, this bird bears the modern scientific name Athene noctua. We at Glaux Press esteem the standard of perspicacity set by Athene, goddess of wisdom and strategy. We believe that the lessons of history and the accomplishments of the ancients are always relevant to the present day and age. (N.B. the species Athene noctua is not to be confused with that species immortalized by οἱ ἀοιδοὶ τοῦ λυρικοῦ πέτρου in the esteemed classical verse “οὐ πέτου, ὦ τᾶν Γλαυκὸς Ὄρνις, ἐγὼ μόνον ἔρχομαι κατὰ τὴν ὁδόν”. [Diels-Kranz 91, 1114a])

Glaux Press takes inspiration, too, from the publishing giants of the Italian Renaissance: their great work ethic, their inestimable contribution to the rebirth of Western civilization from the Dark Ages. Efficiency of process, freedom from worldly distractions were well-expressed in Manuzio’s greeting to visitors: “Chiunque tu sia, Aldo ti prega e riprega: se vi è qualcosa che vuoi da lui, dillo nel modo più rapido e una volta fatto questo, allontanati, a meno che tu non voglia prenderti sulle spalle l’onere come fece Ercole con l’estenuato Atlante, perché ci sarà sempre qualcosa da fare per te e per chiunque si trovi a passare di qui.”


Aldus Manutius / Aldo Pio Manuzio. Venetian publisher (1450-1515).